
Getting Teens Hooked Into Preventive Health Care

Teen Health 411: Getting Teens Hooked Into Preventive Health Care

A recent issue of the Journal of Adolescent Health (October 2006) included an article entitled "Vaccination: An Opportunity to Enhance Early Adolescent Preventive Services," by Rupp, Rosenthal, Middleman. This aricle provided some great suggestions for how clinicians can use the new vaccines (HPV and meningitis) as opportunities to provide preventive services to a population that traditionally has received little preventive care.

There are many reasons why teens do not seem to get the preventive care they need during adolescence.

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Abstinence an option with consequences?

HEALTH: Many teenagers who say they have taken a virginity pledge retract that statement after having intercourse

According to the analyst, it is important for researchers exploring adolescent health to "account for the fact that sensitive information [provided by teenagers] is less reliable than other data and the fact that reliability varies according to social context." She further notes that "if [teenagers] who deny their sexual pasts perceive their new history as correct, they will underestimate the STD risk stemming from their prepledge sexual behavior." Consequently, she concludes that health care providers should explicitly ask youth who have taken virginity pledges if they had had sex before taking the pledge, and programs that encourage virginity pledges should "ensure that pledgers know they bear the risks of previous sexual behaviors."

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Why the web? Young people don;'t like Newspapers....

- the fact that the average age of newspaper readers is going up: from
51 a few years ago, to 54 now. Although the aggregate (online plus
offline) readership of papers, like the Guardian and The Observer, that
have embraced the web enthusiastically seems to be bucking that trend
to some extent, the sad fact is that young people don't read papers.

Young people don't like us. Who can blame them? | Business | The Observer

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13-year-old with a cold? Quiz them on their sex lives, GPs are told

read the whole article here:

Children visiting their GPs with minor ailments could be closely questioned about their sex lives as part of an attempt to cut teenage pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases.

A Government health watchdog wants doctors to target children as young as 13, even if they have not asked for family planning advice. Family doctors will be ordered to make more effort to offer contraception to sexually active young teenagers, as well as warning them of the risks of infections including chlamydia, which can harm fertility.

They will be expected to spend 15 to 20 minutes inquiring into the sex life of each teenager, even if the teenager comes in for an ailment such as a sore throat.

The measures, proposed in draft guidance by the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (Nice), were drawn up to try to stem the rising tide of sexually transmitted infections and Britain's alarming number of teenage pregnancies, which cost the taxpayer £63 million a year.

However, GPs say that they will struggle to find the time to carry out counselling, while critics say the measures will do little to stop the spread of sexual diseases or prevent schoolgirls from getting pregnant. The policy also appears to contradict the latest Government message, which urges young people to "delay" having sex.

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Teenagers strip off for condoms campaign

Telegraph | News | Teenagers strip off for condoms campaign

Hard-hitting images of young adults going "on the
pull" will feature in a £4 million government campaign to stem rising
rates of sexually transmitted infections.

A television advert showing teenagers undressing each other, while
wearing jewellery and underwear displaying slogans such as "I've got
gonorrhoea", is designed to encourage condom use among 18- to

Caroline Flint, the health minister, said: "Some STIs, like chlamydia,
are on the increase. This campaign is not about encouraging promiscuity
but about saying to those who are already sexually active, 'Sex without a
condom is seriously risky'."

However, she hinted that the Government might go back on an earlier pledge to
spend £50 million over three years on campaigns to combat STIs. She
said: "Like other parts of the health service we are having to look at
how we spend our money."

Deborah Jack, of the National Aids Trust, said: "To cut back on a
sexual health campaign is the worst kind of false economy."


In the months when Google has been hailed as a medical revolution...
enabling Doctors and students to diagnose rare disorders an diseases
with a few well chosen key words... more people professionals and
patients alike are going to the web for help in diagnosing or
understanding their diagnosis....

The Times writes an interesting summary of some of the best health websites out there...


Wellbeing on the web 3: the best portals - Health - Times Online

Health features The Times November 11, 2006 Body Wellbeing on the web 3: the best portals

http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,8123-2446026,00.html (not all Adolescent Health specific.)

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Factors that shape young people's sexual behaviour: a systematic review

you can register for free to the Lancet for article abstracts here

With nearly half of new HIV infections worldwide occurring in young people aged 15–24 years,1
changing sexual behaviour in this group will be crucial in tackling the
growing pandemic. Campaigns targeting young people have encouraged
safer sex, either through condom use or avoiding penetration.
Prevention efforts have often involved giving out condoms free of
charge and providing information through school talks and leaflets.

even where condoms have been freely available and awareness of sexual
disease high, such campaigns have often had disappointing results.
Qualitative research is starting to show that strong social and
cultural forces shape sexual behaviour and is helping to explain why
providing information and condoms—while important—are often not enough
to change this behaviour. In particular, such work helps us understand
why some HIV prevention programmes have been ineffective and how they
might be improved.



nearly half of new HIV infections worldwide occur among young people
aged 15–24 years, changing sexual behaviour in this group will be
crucial in tackling the pandemic. Qualitative research is starting to
reveal how social and cultural forces shape young people's sexual
behaviour and can help explain why information campaigns and condom
distribution programmes alone are often not enough to change it. We
undertook a systematic review to identify key themes emerging from such
research, to help inform policymakers developing sexual health
programmes, and guide future research.

Drug Education Forum Blog

For professionals working with adolescents upto date knowledge about drugs and the issues is crucial. Policies and papers are one thing but rapport with the young people we work with and helping them ask the questions and discover the answers is sometimes another.

This blog may be helpful for those of us working with young people with issues around substance misuse.


Drug Education Forum Blog

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The Youth Vote debate - discuss

So the American Mid Terms were a success for the democrats thanks to Youtube and satirists like Stephen Colbert they said.... (see previous post)
and news stories ran saying "Thirteen out of every 100 voters who went to the polls Tuesday were under the age of 30, and more than half of them chose Democrats, experts say.
About 10 million young people voted, according to analysts who studied exit poll data. That's 2 million more than the previous congressional midterm election in 2002."

However in the UK it's another stories and apparently Labour are panicking that the UKs young people won't follow suit....

"Blears warns of democratic timebomb as young people shun elections"
THE chairwoman of the Labour Party yesterday warned of a "demographic democratic time-bomb" as young people reject the ballot box."
Scotsman.com News - UK - Blears warns of democratic timebomb as young people shun elections

Teens don't email

Why teens don't email

By Kristin Scott

A new survey shows that teenagers are less likely to communicate via email than any other demographic, including baby boomers. Less than one fifth of the 13-17 years olds surveyed profess to using email to communicate with friends, ...

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Global study dispels common myths about sex

Research reveals surprising details about STDs, loss of virginity, and more

Associate PRESS

: 7:00 p.m. ET Oct. 31, 2006

- In the first comprehensive global study of sexual behavior, British
researchers found that people aren’t losing their virginity at ever
younger ages, married people have the most sex, and there is no firm
link between promiscuity and sexually transmitted diseases.

study was published Wednesday as part of a series on sexual and
reproductive health by the British medical journal The Lancet.
Professor Kaye Wellings of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical
Medicines and her colleagues analyzed data from 59 countries.

say the study will be useful not only in dispelling popular myths about
sexual behavior, but in shaping policies that will help improve sexual
health across the world.

read the rest

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Why young people don't use condoms Social

Cultural factors influence decisions, researchers say

LONDON - Social and cultural factors, not just
unavailability or ignorance, influence why young people do not use
condoms, researchers said on Friday.

sexually active people under 25 years of age associate condoms with a
lack of trust, while others believe carrying them could imply sexual
experience, which might be a plus for men but not necessarily for women.

a review of more than 250 studies of young people’s sexual behavior,
researchers at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
discovered striking similarities in what affects young sexual behavior
in different countries.

read the rest

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Latest Publicity on the Youth Health Initiative's Kings E.A.R. Project

Adolescent health: The emergency room
15/11/06 Young People Now

Young people either get placed with adults or children at accident and emergency departments. But one London hospital has set up a room where teenagers can speak to a youth worker. Andy Hillier reports.

The EAR, as it is more commonly known, is actually situated within the accident and emergency (A&E) department of King's College Hospital in Denmark Hill, south London.

The room was set up in March this year after the emergency department noticed an increase in the number of young people it was treating. Peter Thompson, consultant and clinical lead for paediatric emergency medicine, says: "When we looked at the figures we found that nearly 10,000 young people used our accident and emergency department last year. Some had self-harmed, others were using drugs and some were the victims of attacks."

But Thompson and some of his colleagues felt teenage patients were not very well catered for within A&E. The children's facilities offered by the department were often too childish for many of the young people and most weren't ready to use adult services.

So after going to the local primary care trust to see if funding could be made available, the room was set up and John Poyton, a youth worker at The Youth Health Initiative, was appointed.

Offer of support
"A lot of those who have been physically assaulted or subject to violence may just want to come and receive treatment and then go," says Poyton. "They might not think they need any follow-up support but we'll send them a text and give them the option."

The service also works closely with other agencies locally. For instance, if a young person is self-harming they can be referred to the child and adolescent mental health service located at the hospital. Young people who have been attacked can also be provided with advice about victim support services.

"We want the service to be as preventive as possible," says Poyton. "Once a teenager gets into a cycle of using drugs or self-harm it can be difficult to stop. But by linking them with other services and being a place where we can offer professional advice we can address that behaviour early on."

But just having a room where young people can hang out is equally as important as the follow-on services the hospital provides. Poyton says: "Hanging round for a couple of hours to be seen by a doctor or nurse can seem like an eternity to a young person, especially when they're feeling vulnerable. Having somewhere to play computer games or use the internet really helps take their mind off the pain."

For full article click here


Doctors back youth work role in fight against mental illness

The British Medical Association has flagged up a key role for youth workers in tackling mental health problems among vulnerable young people. Backing the theme of Youth Work Week 2006 – children’s mental health and emotional well-being – the BMA said skilled youth workers had the ability to reach out to many of the young people most vulnerable to mental health problems.

“The skills of youth workers in engaging with young people and enabling them to get their voices heard and to influence service provision can make a big contribution to improving the situation,” said head of BMA Ethics and Science Dr Vivienne Nathanson.

“We’re calling on government to address the current shortage of mental healthcare professionals, but we also want to see services working well together, and urge youth services and child and adolescent mental health services to celebrate what they are doing together and to make sure they are using each others’ knowledge and skills to the full.”

Nathanson added that, as well as being in a position to fulfil the Youth Matters aspiration of providing every young person with someone to talk to, youth workers could also help spread the word about the mental health benefits of a having good diet and taking physical exercise.
“Youth work projects that encourage active lifestyles and healthy eating will be making a real contribution to mental health,” she said.



Video: Social Networking trends and youth

"If you wanna connect with the youth you gotta get into social networking..." (Demitri Martin)
enjoy this brilliant satirical look at the myspace/ social networking phenomenon etc... and raises the issue (albeit satirically) of internet safety in the tech savvy youth culture.

News: Police chief sparks row over stigma of sex with children


Being on the Alert for the latest news stories

Google has a whole host of functionality when it comes to keeping uptodate and informed on the latest news articles and stories as they happen, when they happen.

One of their amazing tools is Google Alerts - a brilliant way of letting google do the hard work and emailing you updates to the key words you search for...

Google Alerts is where most of the time is saved to keep a (b)log of relevant adolescent health stories current.

I hope you find it useful... And if you fancy trying googles host of new web applications/software then do please feel free to email stories and references thru that you think i might have missed.

Google Alerts

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Every child matters - in all we do

For those of us have been following the paper and framework from the outset and for those of us catching up and shaping our work.

The Youth Health Initiative is commited to working with the Every Child Matters framework.

Please feel free to email John@youthhealth.info if you would like to discuss further.

Home - Every Child Matters

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hoodies - the health risks not what you think!

A doctor has warned young New Zealanders of the latest accessory which could be dangerous for their health: the hoodie.

Dr Glenn Twentyman from the Youth Justice Centre at Wiri, south Auckland,
said yesterday hoodies could be depriving youth of the sunlight they
needed to build their bones and stay energised.
Hoodies could be a health risk - doctor - New Zealand's source for health news on Stuff.co.nz


Healthy Eating - It's for life not just for christmas!

Jaime Oliver and others have done some amazing work in revitalizing kids taste buds and lives recently. Hopefully the effect will be long lasting and the youth of today will make a difference when theyre packing their own kids lunch boxes in 10, 20 or 30 years time!

Occasionally I am surprised that the parents of the young people we work with don't seem to know the basics of nutrition... well at least there's information readily available and nicely packaged... just like a banana!

BBC - Health - Healthy living - Teenagers

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Book recommendation: Shattered Lives by Camila Batmanghelidjh

Amazon.co.uk Reviews
"Shattered Lives"
bears witness to the lives of children who have experienced abuse and
neglect, and highlights the effects of early traumatic episodes.
Chapters take the form of letters to a child capturing their life
experiences, hugely impacted by sexual abuse, parental substance misuse
and loss, leading to feelings of shame, rejection and worthlessness.
Batmanghelidjh offers understanding for those baffled by these
hard-to-reach children and warns against stigmatizing them for their
problem behaviour. In her critique of existing structures, she exposes
the plight of children who are overlooked by the authorities and
denounces those who value bureaucracy over the welfare of the
individual child. Society's failure to acknowledge the truth of their
experiences and act to change the environment in which such
mistreatment can flourish is, she strongly argues, leading to the death
of childhood. The book is a clarion call for change.
Amazon.co.uk: Shattered Lives: Children Who Live with Courage and Dignity: Books: Camila Batmanghelidjh

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Inspiring Adolescence

It would appear that the Adolescents of america (in the text book adolescence reaches to 24 yrs of age remember) have caused ripples.... to make waves in the midterm elections...

Youtube a vastly popular internet video site (recently purchase for 800million pounds of google shares) has been airing the funniest and most poignant headline news and political satire thru clips of John Stewarts 'The Daily Show' and Stephen Colberts 'The Colbert Report' (pronounced 'rapport' (silent 'T')).

Who says young people aren't intersted in polictics or making a difference?

What ever your politik it's inspiring stuff...

YouTube - YouTube Comedy Central deliver Democrat victory

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Times Online rebutts the latest teen cynicism...

british teenagers aggression...

British teens' bad behaviour

Teenagers in this country are more aggressive, drink more and get into more trouble than almost any other country in Europe.

27% of 15-year-olds get drunk regularly compared to three per cent in France and five per cent in Italy.

Researchers say parents don't spend enough time with their kids because of things like higher divorce rates and longer working hours.

beware the new breed of cyber bully

Myspace, youtube and countless other online social sites are more than
a phenomenon theyre a constant part of young peoples social lives...
however, it isn't all safer than hanging on street corners. Internet
\safety is a real issue for those naive teens unaware of how public their
'profiles'/ online lives are.
Technological trauma: cyber bullies more powerful than schoolyard thugs


drugs R US

Depression is a growing problem in children — and it is now legal for British doctors to give Prozac to eight-year-olds. So will more parents be tempted to use pills to make their children happy? John Cornwell investigates. Photograph: Mark Guthrie

The alarm calls started ahead of the new school year. A strident chorus of doctors, politicians, religious leaders and child-interest groups is claiming that too many of our kids are stressed, dysfunctional and suffering from mental illness. Tony Blair and the Archbishop of Canterbury have focused on inadequate child rearing, such as the poor parenting skills of teenage single mums; David Cameron blames lack of common-or-garden physical affection. And while leading psychiatrists, such as Ian Goodyer of Cambridge University, continue to cite traditional culprits – marriage break-up and domestic discord – a constituency of 100 childhood experts, led by the neuroscientist Baroness Susan Greenfield, is castigating unprecedented pressures at home and at school – from TV advertising to government-legislated school tests, from lack of imaginative reading matter to the tyranny of middle-class parental ambition. “Children,” says Greenfield, “are being pushed beyond their limits.”

Drugs 'R' us - Sunday Times - Times Online


Google Scholar - read research papers of interest

Googles done it again... Taking the web by storm and speedily becoming the 'Microsoft Office' of the Internet...

Check out the scholarly research papers online for whatever research youre doing....
for example... adolescent health finds,
adolescent health - Google Scholar


youth health conference in NZ

"Involve is a fantastic opportunity
for all those who work with young people and who are
passionate about youth health and development to come
together, share ideas, and discuss ways in which the
government and the sector can work more effectively together
to promote the best interests of young people,"
"Improving and
promoting youth health, strengthening and supporting youth
workers, and working collaboratively with and across the
youth development sector "
Mahuta said.

Some of the key speakers are from the UK... when's our Youth Health conference?

Scoop: Conference a chance for positive focus on youth


Adolescent and child services in hospitals

Wimbledon Hospital.
High Praise For Hospitals Child Services (from Your Local Guardian)

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HPV vaccine: What you need to know

HPV vaccine: What you need to know
Recommendations by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG):

ACOG Committee on Adolescent Health Care and the ACOG Working Group on Immunization recommend the vaccination be given to females aged 9 to 26
years. To maximize the protective benefit of the vaccine, the ACOG Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices has recommended the initial vaccination target of females aged 11 or 12 years. Certainly, people will worry that giving the vaccine to young girls may be construed as giving the "green light" to girls to become sexually active. But since the vaccine will not cure one of an already existent infection, to get the maximum benefit from the vaccine it needs to be
given before any sexual activity and, therefore, before any possibleexposure has occurred. What parent wouldn't want to be able to reduce their daughter's chances of developing cervical cancer by 70 percent?
Further information regarding the recommendations of ACOG as well as
more information about the vaccine can be found at their website,

Summit Daily News for Breckenridge, Keystone, Copper and Frisco Colorado - News

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Baywatch and Beowulf: Relationship Between Media Literacy and Adolescent Smoking

A new study reported by the Journal of Adolescent Health
has found that media literacy in students is substantially correlated
with smoking behavior. The study found in particular that students with
a higher smoking media literacy index were nearly 50% less likely to be
current smokers or be susceptible to smoking in the future than their
Baywatch and Beowulf: Relationship Between Media Literacy and Adolescent Smoking

The actual study from the journal can be found here:
Journal of Adolescent Health

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Internet safety and online bullying

Myspace, youtube and countless other online social sites are more than a phenomenon theyre a constant part of young peoples social lives... however, it isn't all safer han hanging on street corners.  Internet safety is a real issue for those niave teens unaware of how public their 'profiles'/ online lives are.
Technological trauma: cyber bullies more powerful than schoolyard thugs

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