
drugs R US

Depression is a growing problem in children — and it is now legal for British doctors to give Prozac to eight-year-olds. So will more parents be tempted to use pills to make their children happy? John Cornwell investigates. Photograph: Mark Guthrie

The alarm calls started ahead of the new school year. A strident chorus of doctors, politicians, religious leaders and child-interest groups is claiming that too many of our kids are stressed, dysfunctional and suffering from mental illness. Tony Blair and the Archbishop of Canterbury have focused on inadequate child rearing, such as the poor parenting skills of teenage single mums; David Cameron blames lack of common-or-garden physical affection. And while leading psychiatrists, such as Ian Goodyer of Cambridge University, continue to cite traditional culprits – marriage break-up and domestic discord – a constituency of 100 childhood experts, led by the neuroscientist Baroness Susan Greenfield, is castigating unprecedented pressures at home and at school – from TV advertising to government-legislated school tests, from lack of imaginative reading matter to the tyranny of middle-class parental ambition. “Children,” says Greenfield, “are being pushed beyond their limits.”

Drugs 'R' us - Sunday Times - Times Online

1 comment:

Pink said...

The problem with Prozac, as I understand it is that we need larger and larger doses because it kills the body's natural ability to produce serotonin, by replacing it with chemical levels.

When it comes time to come off of the drug, the body is unable to produce the necessary chemicals and the patient becomes suicidal.

What is happening in this country? Are we going to sit back and watch a generation of children become chemically dependant on the pharmaceuticals industry?

Isoflavones that naturally occur in soy products can help to stimulate the body's own ability to combat depression but we are unable to purchase these in concentrated forms in the UK. Could this be pressure from the pharmaceuticals industry?